Wednesday, June 18, 2008

––––•(-•†mens corrupta†•-)•––––

Before anything else gets in the way, I'd like to say a few comments concerning this post, I did this a long time ago, around 2005 for my VF account, however I believe it still has enough strength to be presented here.

There is no homophobia in this world.

I should explain my reasons to comment this way:
Phobias are traduced as a terrible fear against something or a particular situation, people who bear a phobia are prone to avoid a situation where this phobia might come to arise. For example, a person who suffers of arachnophobia will not get close to a spider, because such insect provokes on them a terrible fear which on certain extreme cases turns into a state of madness.
Now, in such a case homophobia existed, people who suffered from this would try to stay away from homosexual people. However, those(the huge majority) who rely on this state of mind do not stay away from homosexuals but rather try to attack them and denigrate them.
This, is racism.
Racism is traduced as a denigration of other human beings in order to feel better or proud of oneself but as long a we know, this is a twisted behaviour of the mind. Because behind racism though there is also fear to that which we do not know, there is also low self esteem, and deeply behind that, there is envy towards that what is attacked.

So my final comment about all this homosexual racism is that people who attack homosexuals behind the tag of "homophobia" are actually envious of homosexual people who stand with their heads up high feeling proud of what they are, no matter what people think about them. Because they, deep behind, would like to rise their heads up as well saying "I am proud of what I am or do, and I am not afraid of showing this to you."
I hope, fellow readers, that this might have enlighted you a bit. However please do remember that this is just my opinion on this specific issue and that I would be pleased to hear replies from you. Because we are always learning and I know this issue is unfortunately still very polemic.


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